Lockdown Portrait No14

The story told is, the devil fell in love with Lilith, and she did not conform to God’s will and would not obey her husband Adam.

This shoot was suggested by an Instagram follower. Well Eve was….but I felt closer to Lilith. Adams 1st wife….the matriarch of the 1st wives club. The 1st woman who didn’t conform to the will of god or Adam. She was her own woman in her own right.

The devil was in love.

So God got rid of Lilith and replaced her with Eve, only Eve was the same likeness as Lilith. The devil was heartbroken. I think its fair to say it was not an apple he gave to Eve.

Lilith is the matriarch of the 1st wives club, the original woman who would not conform. This was what I wished to resonate with (I have also entered the 1st wives club twice…this is not new territory for me)

I grabbed some things from around the house, A crown to represent her Matriarch, The apple to represent her rebellion, The t-shirt to represent her standing up to Edam. I wanted quite a jungle feel to represent the garden of Eden, so included some plants and pulled shut the yellow curtains. Using just the ring light as my light source.