Red Shoe Makeovers Chester | Cat I LOVE you |

I am so excited to share these Red Shoe Makeover images with you...This is Cat Walsh, a fellow wedding and portrait photographer the beautiful, funny, amazing soul and hilarious email sender Cat.....tears...big hot fat you lady...bloody love you!

THANK YOU for trusting are part of red shoe and it would not be possible for me to do what I love, if it was not for simply f**k amazing girls like you...

You have a friend for life here...

With much L&L

Sarah xxxxxx

"I’ve procrastinated wildly about writing my words, I don’t have a proper story to tell. I’ve loved Red Shoe since I saw Andrea Ellison and Claire Penn’s photos of Sarah. The stunning images with the honesty of her words made me cry (I may have had a small glass of wine at the time). Every time I see a new Red Shoe Session I'm blown away by them and I always wished I had the nerve to do it. Eventually I worked up the courage, by telling myself it would be a good opportunity to understand how it feels to be on the other side of the lens, but I think the truth of it is that I wanted to know if I could find a way to like how I look. I nearly cancelled a dozen times, I was thought that  I'd look at the photos and hate what I saw and was convinced I’d be Sarah’s first failed Red Shoe.

On the day of the shoot Sarah and Nicole put me at ease with their chatting and Sarah’s wildly infectious laugh, but deep down I knew I would be rubbish. When Sarah first clicked the shutter the muscles in my cheeks were jumping with nerves, I didn’t know that was even a thing! Undeterred by my twitching face, Sarah talked, and clicked and encouraged and before i knew it I was having myself a good time. I left feeling elated, and with a teeny bit of a girl crush on Sarah (seriously, she’s beautiful, funny, clever and she carries bits of trees around). I decided that even if I didn’t like a single photo that the Red Shoe Experience was worth every penny, and every second of nervousness. Then Sarah sent me my images…

I bloody love them.

I can’t tell you how that feels.

Every woman should have a Red Shoe Session, even if you feel like you’re not slim enough, or your hair isn’t long and lovely, and you have fat knees and a mosquito bite on your forehead, no matter: Sarah and her team will still make you feel beautiful. And that’s quite a talent.

Love & Lilacs,

Cat xxx"