Sam ♥ | Red Shoe Makeover Photography | Telling their stories

This is Sam......♥

"What’s my story? Why did I do this? Simple answer... I did it for me. So this year I turned 30. Thirty. THIRTY! Now I know thirty isn’t ‘old’ but it’s definitely an age that forces you to take stock and it’s most definitely the age where people genuinely worry for you... “When are you having babies... your running out of time... bla bla bla”. (FYI I have a baby... a baby boy bunny, Soya. Who is nudging my hand and demanding my attention as I try to write) #Ilovemysadlittlelife I’m quite a complicated soul but one that likes the simple things in life. I’m someone who at the end of everyday is just shocked and proud to have got myself up, dressed, fed, watered and done a full day’s work... go me! I like my little life and turning thirty is about learning to like me. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t not like myself, since leaving school and going to Uni I’ve been very lucky and I’ve learnt to like what I’m about and in the most part I like my body (or at least accepted it as part of who I am). Really this is about learning to like my face. I’ve been called ugly, multiple times, and this year I decided... sod what everyone else thinks... what do I think? I booked my Red Shoe makeover as a Birthday gift. Those who know me will know this is so not me. I don’t do selfies; I don’t really have many pictures of my face at all. The idea of this was VERY SCARY. I wanted some photos of me so that when I was a very old lady I could look back and think... wow, look how pretty I was and I can’t believe I’m going to say this but when I got my photos back from Sarah I thought (with a very blushed and embarrassed face)... I think I look pretty now! Tehee. To anybody thinking of booking... DO IT. It’s scary but oh so amazing. When Mandy and Sarah say that everyone who experiences this starts scared and finishes wanting to do it again they are very right. It’s exhilarating and I promise you will be so proud of YOU! Thank you lovely ladies xxx"