Annie ♥ | Red Shoe Makeovers Chester

This is Annie...the beautiful Annie!

This shoot had a little more of a bridal boudoir feel...and I LOVE the results! Annie you could be in vogue with these images....just divine.....

Have an amazing wedding day

With much Love

Sarah xxxx

"I booked red shoe as a special wedding gift from me to my future husband to be. I love pushing myself out of my comfort zone and this was definitely out of my comfort zone. As much as I did it for my partner, it was also something I did for me, to have to look back on before I start my journey of becoming a wife, having children etc

Sarah and Nicole were both lovely from the word go and put me straight at ease. I didn’t think I’d be able to relax into such an alien environment, but after a few posing tips from Sarah and lots of encouragement, I really enjoyed the whole experience and didn’t want it to end.

I was super excited for photo’s to arrive, and when they did, I suddenly felt very nervous to look at them. It took me about three times of looking over the photos to get used to seeing myself in such a different light (sexy!!!) I almost couldn’t relate to the girl in the photo as being me, and then when I got over the shock, I couldn’t stop smiling and wrote this straight away.

I can’t wait to hand these over to my man

Thank you Sarah and Nicole!"

Love Annie xxx